RSS Prathamik My Experience

In simple words those were really "Disciplined" eight days of my life till now.

                                                          गण क्र. १८ माझे सहकारी 

I was very excited about this varg (varg is nothing but the stages of qualification in the way of RSS). Actually there four types of varg and we can compare varg with our day to day life as following :

                                       1. Prathamik (We can say KG/LKG level).
                                       2. Pratham (1st to 4rth Std).
                                       3. Dwitiya (5th to 10 th Std).
                                       4. Trutiya (11th to 12th).

This is just a comparison for understanding purpose it not actual, As these are Sanskrit words who knows Sanskrit can get it easily. It was my first stage to RSS and mine was Prathamik Varg I was eagerly waiting for joining day and that day came. I reached to the place where I need to live for next 8 days and that place was Deccan Education Society School, Tilak road Pune.     
